Its 31st August 2010!!!
Yes citizens of Malaysia, its that time of the year again...MERDEKA day!
In my opinion, being unified is more important than freedom. Therefore personally I rather call it National Day =)
Anyway, lets see how patriotic we are...ask yourselves these few questions:
1. Where were you during Merdeka eve and Merdeka Day?
2. Did you have a flag (at least a small tiny one) stuck onto your car?
3. Did you wish any of your friends Happy Merdeka?
4. Were you excited to watch the Merdeka parades and fireworks?
If you find yourself going "err..." to most of the questions above...then its time to ask yourself another question
***Have we achieved true independence?***
Are we motivated because we are independent or because we know that hypocrisy is the key to survive in this country?
Reflect...reflect...I'm not trying to imply anything here...=)